Oxytocin Diagram

  Oxytocin Diagram Ink on paper Apr 2006 68cm x 45cm In the Oxytocin Drawings people are positioned to represent the chemical structure of an Oxytocin Molecule.


  Hidden Ink on Paper Nov 2004 17cm x 23cm


  Eggopper Ink on Paper August 2007 50cm x 42cm Faces are colour coded to represent various atoms. Red = Carbon, Green = Hydrogen, Blue = Oxygen, Purple = Nitrogen, Orange = Sulphur. The atomic people are forming the shapes of various components of aviation pollution – Nitrous Oxide (NO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Carbon Monixide (Read More)

Colourful Oxytocin Molecule

Colourful Oxytocin Molecule Ink on paper May 2007 100cm x 65cm Green = Hydrogen (1 bond), Blue = Oxygen (2 bonds), Orange = Nitrogen (3 bonds), Red = Carbon (4 bonds)

Baby Oxytocin

  Baby Oxytocin Ink on paper January 2007 85cm x 60cm Head bands and vest labels show the atomic representation. Carbon = Men (4 bonds), Women = Oxygen (2 bonds), Hydrogen = Children (1 bonds), Nitrogen = Mixture (3 bonds), Sulphur = Gymnasts (2 bonds)


  Atmosphere Ink and pencil crayon on paper June 2007 55cm x 45cm Faces are drawn from photographs of Polish and Russian crowd scenes from 1917 and the Second World War. Each face represents an atom, also distinguished by their headbands (N for Nitrogen, O for Oxygen, C for Carbon, H for Hydrogen) and their (Read More)

Adrenalin Dancers

  Adrenaline Dancers Ink on Paper Nov 2006 30cm x 24cm Here the dancers from the Margaret Morris Movement photograph (1936 on the beach in Sandwich, Kent) are rearranged and repeated to represent the chemical structure of an Adrenalin molecule. Each figure has their atomic symbol written on their vest, C = Carbon, O = (Read More)